Can’t Sleep at Night?
We can help.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia
Helping you get back to sleep.
Insomnia happens when a person experiences either difficulty with falling asleep or staying asleep. It is a subjective disorder, meaning that people feel like they are not getting enough sleep and they are excessively worried about their sleep.
People with insomnia usually experience the effect of poor sleep during the day:
- feeling tired
- having low energy
- trouble with attention, concentration, and memory
According to the Cleveland Clinic, approximately 50% of adults experience occasional bouts of insomnia, and 1 in 10 complain of chronic insomnia. Insomnia is approximately twice as common in women as in men, and is more common in older than younger people.
What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I)?
CBT-I is a short term psychotherapy or “talk therapy” for insomnia based on scientific research about sleep.
CBT-I has two main components. The cognitive part focuses on your thoughts, feelings, and expectations about sleep and insomnia that may affect how well you sleep. The behavioral part focuses on improving your sleep habits based on the science of sleep that will help you sleep better.
CBT-I can help with specific problems like
- cancelling activities because of being too tired or too worried that these activities might interfere with sleep
- not keeping regular bed times or wake times
- spending large amounts of time in bed
- spending time in bed worrying about sleep rather than sleeping
How long does CBT-I take to treat insomnia?
CBT-I usually requires about 5 sessions to be effective. Each session lasts about 50 to 60 minutes for one-on-one individual therapy.
How will I know if CBT-I is helping?
Most people experience improvement in the quality of their sleep first and then begin to sleep longer. They also notice improved alertness and energy. Continuing to use CBT-I can help you sleep well long after the therapy ends.
If you or a loved one struggles with getting a good night’s rest, call today and set up an appointment to discuss your treatment options. You don’t have to struggle with sleepless nights. Help is available.